
  • Arinal Haq Program Studi Administrasi Publik, FISIP, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya Author
  • Arimurti Kriswibowo Program Studi Administrasi Publik, FISIP, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya Author


Innovation, public service, e-government, Gresikpedia


Gresik Regency has an e-government-based innovation, namely the Gresikpedia application, and was awarded the best government website category at the Beritajatim Digital Award event. The Gresikpedia application has also succeeded in reducing the unemployment rate in Gresik Regency in a row from 2020 to 2023, so this study aims to find out, analyze, and describe how the elements of e-government success on the Gresikpedia application in the field of employment in Gresik Regency. The approach in this research uses a qualitative method with a case study that is described descriptively. Data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, condensing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The theory used in this research is the theory of e-government success elements according to Mohsen A. Khalil, Bruno D. Lanvin, and Vivek Chaudhry (2002) which consists of five elements: process reform, leadership, strategic investment, collaboration, and community involvement. The results of this study indicate that the application of Gresikpedia application has been successfully implemented well. This is because only two aspects show still lacking results, namely the collaboration element and the community involvement element. So that this is still a challenge for the Communication and Informatics Service of Gresik Regency to pay special attention to these two elements so that the implementation of e-government through the Gresikpedia application can run more optimally. This research is expected to be a consideration for the Communication and Informatics Service of Gresik Regency so that it can increase formal collaboration with various interested parties to get more varied input and stronger support in the development of the Gresikpedia application and can increase community participation in the process of evaluating and developing the Gresikpedia application so that it can ensure that it meets the needs of the community.





